Thursday, May 7, 2009

I really good excuse?

Readers are in luck! Two posts in A ROW, ON THE SAME DAY!

Today's disaster really started yesterday. I went out for cinco de mayo, and well, I indulged in maybe 5 too many alcoholic beverages. What do you expect, it is a drinking holiday! Wednesday I had a date lined up with a rather dashing guy.

I wake up Wednesday, so hungover I headed straight to the bathroom. I knew it was going to be bad when I woke up in bed not remembering how I got home or when I got home. All day I pretty much felt like I was dead. I called my partner in crime. She was the smart one that called out sick and spent her day puking in her own toilet. I on the other had was not as smart and sat at my desk basically in a coma.

Needless to say, when the room was spinning at noon for no reason, I knew I had to do the dirty deed of bailing. I texted him and said hey can we reschedule for tomorrow? I got a reply, sure thats fine call me later. I did and we set a date for today.

I was pretty upset because I had no idea what to wear. It was getting dangerously close to 6:30, our date time. I get a text message saying he had to take someone to the hospital, he would call me later. Selfishly I was like oh good now I have extra time! Yeah, I'm pretty awful at times.

I get ready now without stress. I actually look pretty ok for once. I sit and wait. And wait.

Over 2 hours later I get a call. He just said it was stressful, completely understandable. Oh and that he had just gone home. Which ok, FINE, I figured at much. It just would have been nice to know he was just going to go home before I sat here till almost 9pm to eat dinner with the sad and pathetic hopes that we would still go out. We rescheduled for next week sometime. I'm sure I'll have a great story then.

Afterall, I'm pretty sure this guy is gay and just doesn't realize it yet. Trust me, I have my reasons to believe this.

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